Supporter 2009 Victory Lane
| Steve , I would have loved to meet all the others there and to have heard the stories.
They are only ever original once so I believe thats a good deal.
I am truely surprised that GM didnt try to buy all of these back to add to the Heritage Collection. |
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2009 Supporter Victory Lane
| They should have bought back the MSO 63 and 64 Impala's at the very least. Both had nowhere to go but up in value. GM did gut the Heritage collection a few years ago at Barrett Jackson. Maybe they are not adding to it any more. |
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Supporter Victory Lane

| GM has stock holders to win back.. anything they do now must directly relate to stock market profits.. they won't buy anything.. sentiment is now just for fools like us 
tom @ ( remove the space between m,@,c)
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2009 Supporter Victory Lane
| was sent this photo today. Look how close these vehicles were parked in the "woods". The one with the tree on it is mine.  |
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Supporter Victory Lane

| I'm assuming you'll never fix the dent in the roof as eternal proof that the truck in this picture is in fact yours I'll go to my grave never understanding the rationale as to why a guy would stack brand new cars out in the woods.. Did he make so much money selling cars all year that he gave it no never mind? who the hell would think thats normal.. He could have at least offered them as overstock to other dealers far out of his sales market...Is there a rational explaination given by him ever for doing all this? Its crazy you know 
tom @ ( remove the space between m,@,c)
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2009 Supporter Victory Lane
| When he parked the vehicles here, there was no woods. This was all open field used as a storage lot. Life just passed him by, life got away from him. While it seems to make no sense, it is easy to see how it happened. Getting old isn't easy, thinking of selling off what has surrounded you most your life isn't a pleasant thought, so you put it off. That's what happened. |
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Supporter Victory Lane

| It looks at though he never even put a coat of paint to the place or added any extra service bays even though the claim is that he sold a ton of cars... The only way I can understand this guy in my mind is if on the other side I saw a super rich guy with money to burn and living a lavish lifestyle who didn't car about these " used " & " extra " cars.. But what I see is a frugal depression era fellow who one would have thought would have sold every last valve stem for an extra buck.. its mind blowing that this occurred in that I cannot wrap my head around the reason that makes solid sense and explains this.. it just doesn't.. As a point.. I can not fathom that salvage yard people did not regularly ask him for his inventory.. he clearly said no.. so it wasn't so much an " out of sight/out of mind " mentality as it was a conscious decision to do nothing.. mind bending 
tom @ ( remove the space between m,@,c)
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2009 Supporter Victory Lane
| This photo surfaced today, my truck is the 2nd one in with the branch on top. Taken summer 2012.  |
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2009 Supporter Victory Lane
| The radiators of over 100 vehicles were stolen in 2011 supposedly, and is what prompted the Lambrechts to clear the decks. |
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Supporter Victory Lane

| You'll never see one of these cars get resold without it being noted as " a Lambrecht ".. instant classics..instant collectibles
tom @ ( remove the space between m,@,c)
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2009 Supporter Victory Lane
| Painted the hood, wiper grille and blended the panels between the door and hood. Rest has been massaged by hand.  |
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2009 Supporter Victory Lane
| The color is real close, but the shine makes it look darker. Will let it set about 6 months and 3000 wetsand the fresh enamel single stage, and do a poor job of compounding leaving the something similar to the dullness of the original enamel. |
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