Please ask you sister to dig deep in the brain and confirm the story.. That would be interesting.. Maybe because of the fact that I've never seen a proven set of NOS that didn't actual derive from an actual car they were in fact furnished by The Zone when a dealer took advantage of the Pacecar odering query..( meaning one set of stickers for each order only) Boy would I love to solve this
tom @ ( remove the space between m,@,c)
Posts: 13413 | Location: Arlington Mass | Registered: 01 May 2005
Phil I reread that section in the book and judging from some of the original stripes I've seen on 67's there is no doubt they had issues.. also having fought the fight and lost almost every time trying to get the hood to be square in the hole...thats getting a big fat " CONFIRMED " by me as well
tom @ ( remove the space between m,@,c)
Posts: 13413 | Location: Arlington Mass | Registered: 01 May 2005
The simple fact that my POP is void of paint info ( thanks Keith for reminding me ) tells me clearly it wasn't just a lobby buff job.. damned if I know what it was.. I sense its coming though..
tom @ ( remove the space between m,@,c)
Posts: 13413 | Location: Arlington Mass | Registered: 01 May 2005
I have to wonder what if any paint information shows up on the Protect-O-Plate of other special paint cars?
I still recall the statement at the Norwood Gathering last year from an employee involed with paint who claimed they did receive special paint for the 67 pace cars. He did not recall details, but said it was not a production paint.
Several notes. There is a set of Decals on Ebay right now, never installed on a car, look to have been rolled up. Could be they were put in the trunk and made part of the dealer pre sell (PDI).
Posts: 1628 | Location: Canada | Registered: 13 May 2005
yes, some time ago I read some posts on this site about a car I just bought this april. I understand chev made blue top rs only zone cars,I saw the pic.mentioned. I have actually learned the most from this site postings, interesting reading.i have the window sticker, the car is 327 orig eng and all, man. 04A,when most of these I understand were built. then car was sold in conn.c-4 med blue top, blue frame pwr top, 210 horse pwr gl.wish I could find out if it was a zone car,was equipped with wirewheel covers,4whl drum. wadya think?
I will post sticker soon , saw other sold is a 4 speed, I wish, went to maine? 35k. another just sold out of florida, 23k man I missed that one! wife will kill me , already own 6 first gens, 3 are pcars.,ill post dealer sold from, tonite
In the original post which I started this thread with Jim says hes more than happy to discuss this paint process in great depth if he were to be approached at a car show or something or other??
Do we need to try to catch up with Jim ?
I think we need to look more in depth at the ordering process of these cars (not in this post) and also continue to dig a bit further with everything we already know....
If you read back over this post there are lots of topics we could follow up on under different posts rather than rolling them all into the one. It may assist us to keep on track with where we are going without trying to answer too many questions all at once....
Posts: 2769 | Location: Australia | Registered: 06 May 2005