03 March 2013, 11:37 PM
Geoff SmithDrivers Side Outer Mirror
So we know originally our cars did not have the bowtie on the outer mirror.
My research has me believeing there were two suppliers of these mirrors. Both with Part # 3874242 cast into the mounting arm. Some or all also having CBC cast into the mounting arm meaning Chevrolet Bay City (Whats this all about??)
Additionally the actual mirror glass had a date and supplier codes etched into the mirrors.
Codes I belive could be for example B - AX - 7 or B - DMI - 7.
Being B = February AX = Ajax Corporation 7 = 1967
or B = February DMI = Donnelly Mirror Incorporated 7 = 1967
Around 2002 when I picked up a whole heap of spares from the guy who owned my car from 1985 I got a mirror which I am sure had A - DMI - 7 etched into the glass. Back then I assumed it was the incorrect mirror due to no bowtie.I may still have all of these bits stashed somewhere but from memory the glass was broken in transit.
Does anyone know if the two different suppliers were East coast verses West Coast?
Also anyone know know what our cars should have?
04 March 2013, 06:15 AM
festivalI have an NOS unit in storage for our car I will have a look later and see what I have. Good topic for discussion.
04 March 2013, 07:28 AM
Tom McGinnityI have lots of mirror info too. need to dig it out.. super busy lately. I love the casting of the bowtie inside the mirror but doesn't show outside..
27 March 2013, 09:01 AM
Tom McGinnityThis older picture shows the bowtie inside the mold.. The bowtie IS NOT cast into the outside of the mirror!!!
30 November 2020, 10:10 AM
Tom McGinnitybump